Depple – Local Grocery Deals App – Post Deals From Local Stores

2 min.

Download Depple to hear about local deals. Weekly ads are great tools to spot the top deals. If you want an app that hosts more deals check this out.

Depple App - in-store deals 2022

Tap on this image to go to App Store

The new local deal app can be a useful tool for everyone who likes to post deals from supermarkets and local stores on social media. Depple shows great deals posted by users on the deal page like this:

Posting Deal Aus - Depple - in-store deal app

The deal will appear like this:

Deals in Aus Depple - in-store deals app

Above are images for when you post a deal from Coles and how it appears on the second tab of Depple which is the deals tab.

You can choose a store category like pharmacy, or grocery store, and it will change the entire data. For example, if you choose pharmacy, you will only see pharmacy stores on your app and all the deals will be those of pharmacy stores. Check these out:

Depple App - in-store deals 2022

The deal will appear like this:

Depple Pharmacy Example Deals - In-Store Deals

On the main page you will have access to the website of the store if there is one and also you can call them directly. In some ways, it might even be more effective than maps apps. But the important thing is that Depple provides a function for everyone to show them deals on the main feed. It is a very simple app. It might come in handy in some cases. Try it today.

