Myer Catalogue Christmas Sale 17 – 30 Nov 2015
Myer Kitchen Festive 
Myer is creating new world in your kitchen. Approaching new year, time to change old things. Start from kitchen with Myer high quality kitchen collection. Myer has everything you need to prepare great dinner for your family. Perfect finish lines, exactly true colors and designs, safe materials and new technology exclusive to Myer. Kitchen items maybe most important thing at home. Especially pans must be Tefal technology because of your health. Also Tefal has long life for using.
Myer presenting, Breakfast Club for get everyone together for a baked breakfast. There is great tefal frypans with detachable handle, steamers, stainless steel pans, non-stick products and colorful casseroles available in stocks. Choose witch one you wish. There is many varieties for healthy breakfasts. You can mix your fruits via great products. Breville is good brand for this. Breville has wide variety on sale. You need to have
it one at least. Veg and fruits are most important thing for our metabolism. If you child does not like to eat Veg you can make juice of Veg. They will like it i am sure. Its good way to feed them healthy.
Another essential thing for breakfast : TOASTER + KETTLE. Special design Sunbeam products awaiting you. Simple lines and summer pastel colors really sweet looks. Every kitchen needs a special touch. And Myer products satisfying expectation with this greatest collection ever. You can even find 50’s style kettle in pg 4. Slice toaster and kettle couples on sale %35 OFF. Another colorful touch is BODUM’s products. Check this catalogue for Thermo jug, french presses, cups and more. Our big helpers mixers, mixmasters, hand blenders selling with bonus prices. With these products you can spend more time with family members. You can make delicious sweets as a chef via these products.
- Simple line GREAT DESIGN Toaster
- Kettle & Toasters %40 OFF PRICE PERFECT
- BODUM colorful touch FRENCH PRESS – MUG
If you say; Impossible to start a day without an excellent coffee” Nespresso coffee machines on sale. Discounts between 35-45%. Different brands, same high quality with Myer. With wide variety, these products will working perfectly. Keep shining with Myer !