Myer Catalogue Kids Clothing 24 Oct – 12 Nov 2017

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Myer Catalogue Kids Clothing 24 Oct - 12 Nov 2017Kids clothing for Summer are available on the latest catalogue of Myer. Find kids’ clothing, swimwear, casual products. 25% off when you buy 2 or more items from children’s clothing. Sprout playsuit will cost only $29.95 at Myer. Exclusive products for girls are available on pg 33.

Sprout Boys rashvest and board short set will be $34.95! Girls rashvest and brief set can be purchased for only $29.95! Mossimo, Eve’s Sister, Milkshake, Origami and Adidas are also featured brands of the latest Myer Catalogue range. Don’t miss out anything from the catalogue.

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