New values of the products are featured on this catalogue can also be categorized as half price products. Extreme savings for the top quality food products of the retailer are all viewable on the catalogue page. Preview of this simple catalogue allows you to browse quick and simple display. Woolworths half price products are picked from every aisles. These included detergents, household cleaning products, bathroom products, similar sort of things to keep your house tidy, clean and comfortable to rest.
HALF PRICE PRODUCTS on main page are:
Pringles 140g $1.99
Pepsi Max, Solo, Schweppes can $0.47
Up&Go energize $4.27
Mars sharepacks $2.24
Moreover see new deal by Woolworths Catalogue. Ancient Animals packs, deals, collector’s album are the deals of the week.
Starbust half price party mix $1.34
Grill mates BBQ sauces 500 mL $2.24
Praise deli style dressings 185mL
Lipton tea bags $2.34
Personal care items like shampoo, conditioner by popular brands like Pantene. Check out these half prices:
Pantene treatment BB creme 135 mL $5.49
Pantene shampoo or conditioner 350 mL $3.94
Other than half prices there is a list of discount products like Jergens, Nivea, Neutrogena dry sport lotion on pg 29. Here are the list of some discount products:
Cool dry sport lotion 20% off $13.59
Cancer council ultra cooling spray 20% off $14
Nivea 3 in 1 micellar water $6.90