Big W Catalogue Boxing Day Electronics 26 December 2018

2 min.

Happy New Year. Get a 30% discount on audio, headphones, speakers and more products at Big W stores this week. This Big W Catalogue offers smartphones, DSLR cameras, Xbox One console bundle deals, console games and some of the online services like PS Plus. The discounts are really good and special at the end of 2018. I wish your next year will be the best of all and it goes on like that forever until the day we pass away from the world. To get a better version of your life next year, lower prices can always help! Brilliant ideas by the catalogues like Big W, Target and more retailers can guide you to the best prices.

If you are a beginner in photography, I can recommend you Canon 3000D and Emtec memory cards that are both available with nice discounts on pg 12. You can find a really nice price on a smartphone on pg 13. Vodafone Alcatel U5 4G is only $45. That deal is better than half-price discount. Samsung Galaxy Tab A will cost $40 cheaper this week at Big W Stores.

More than this can be found on the catalogue. You can follow our Facebook page to track the deals.
