Big W Catalogue LEGO Sets and New Toys

LEGO Minecraft sets on pg 8 are the new in this Big W Catalogue toy sale. Promoted prices are shown, more sets like Ninjago, Creator, City, Jurrasic World, Juniors are available, too. Minecraft is one of the most popular games playable on PC and Xbox. It has millions of players from all around the world. The concept of the game became a pop-culture reference in many images, toys, stories etc. You can easily see the derivatives of this culture in the media and comedy shows or the materials.

More toys and new ones are available next to the LEGO part of this catalogue. Visit pg 10-11 for Hot Wheels packs. A box of Hot Wheels track builder challenge will be $4 cheaper than its regular price. Pay only $25 for the set. Shoot amazing Hot wheels films and upload them on Youtube. Create alternative ways for your cars, make them long and be creative. They are some of the coolest toys in the world. This is not kids’ material anymore. Everyone can enjoy them with a creative mind. A new toy is available; Hot Wheels Monster Trucks. It looks fine and classic. Enjoy more vehicle toys and their prices by Big W.

Hot wheels and more vehicle toys:
