Big W Catalogue Toy Sale 16 Jun – 6 Jul 2016

3 min.

Big W Catalogue Toy Sale 2016 has been launched. Top brands of toys, a huge product range and 112 pages of deals on toys. You have now access to one of the greatest toy sales in Australia. I also expect toy sale catalogue of Target in the upcoming days. Probably in July-August there will be a new one by Target Catalogue. You can lay by for Christmas. Details on the catalogue.

Big W Catalogue Toy Sale 16 Jun - 6 Jul 2016

LEGO City, Star Wars, Super Heroes, Juniors, Creator, Minecraft, Technic, Classic, Duplo, Elves, Friends, Disney Princess toys are all available on pg 3-9. MEGA Bloks construction toys, new items, toys only at Big W are also on sale. First 11 pages are for construction toys. Below are some of the construction toys.

LEGO City police station, prison island, fire station $95
LEGO Star Wars Galactic Empire, First Order Battle Pack, Resistance trooper battle pack, rebel alliance battle pack $15
LEGO Duplo deluxe box, construction site $69
LEGO Technic heavy lift helicopter $149
LEGO Elves dragon’s lava cave, LEGO Disney Princess on pg 8.
MEGA BLOKS Scooping Wagon, 80-piece block bags on pg 10.
HALO Mega Bloks vulture gunship $99 pg 11

TMNT playsets and figures are doubtless heroes of children. They love it and every single toy catalogue has absolutely one of the TMNT sales in the featured content. Action figures like Toy Story, Dory, Minecraft, Zootopia, Transformers, Star Wars are featured toy products on pg 12-21.

TMNT Movie movie 4 pk giant 27 cm figures $98 pg 13
TMNT Vehicles with figure $20 ea
Disney Cars radio control lightning mcqueen $39 pg 14 New
Disney Cars drop and jump gray story $29 New
Finding Dory Marine Life playset $38 New
Scooby-Doo 10 pk figures $35 pk New pg 16
Scooby-Doo hide and seek New $49
Minecraft converting pick axe/sword $35 pg 17
Minecraft cube kit 3pk $10

Board Games have also been one of the favorite parts of the toy sale catalogues. I would recommend anyone to play board games to fight boredom.
