Myer Catalogue Toy Sale 18 Jun – 21 Jul 2019

3 min.

Myer recently released a preview for Myer Catalogue toy sale 18 Jun – 21 Jul sale. Top department stores like Big W, Target, Myer, and others are starting to release big toy sale catalogues. Myer might have a future one soon but this catalogue has 24 pages of toys that are on sale. Make no mistake about the content of it because it has some very popular toy brands including the anticipated movie, Toy Story 4 toys. On the first page, you can realize Buzz Lightyear figures are on sale, too. Some online advantages exist for online shopping at Myer. Free delivery, express delivery, and click & collect services might help you save time and money with your toy purchases.
Buy collectible toys like LOL Surprise, Furreal, Hatchimals, and dolls of Barbie on pg 2-3. Many of them are new toys with introductory prices. For example, buy Hatchimals 6pk season 5 colleggtibles sea shell cartoons. Save 20% off Barbie travel helicopter. It’s a new item, too.

Toy Story 4 toys will be on sale. Characters like buzz lightyear and Mr&Mrs Potato head are among the figures from the toy range of Myer Catalogue. Signature collector toys Jessie & Woody, Buzz Lightyear are available on pg 5. Flip out sofas, wind up slinky, and Toy Story Uno Card Game is also available in this catalogue.

Toy Story 4:

Christmas toy sales are available for lay-by purchases in some stores like Big W. You can also prepare some gifts while the products are cheaper. For instance, you have the 20% discount off Moki, Sony, GoPro, Fujifilm, and more headphones or kids’ electronic products on pg 6. Myer Catalogue also offers a range of collectible toys like Shopkins, Pikmi Pops, Little Live Pets & Wiggles. Popular toy brands might also be interesting. See these toys on pg 8-9.

20% off Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig Toys:
