Target Catalogue Paw Patrol Toys March Sale | Toy Sale

2 min.

This is one of the latest Target Catalogues and it promotes the new deals on Paw Patrol toys. Vtech, Fisher-Price, Imaginext toys are also at the same place with the Paw Patrol. Turn it to pg 8-9 to see all of them with details.

Paw Patrol action pup is one little cute toy with a smart boye. He repairs, he is talented and kids love him. Only $8 at Target stores. Paw Patrol Sea Patrol light up deluxe figure assorted price is only $15. Defend your shores with the most talented squad of the country. Paw Patrol basic vehicle will rescue thousands of life from fire.

See all the public friends from Paw Patrol and more toys from the latest catalogue.

Save 20% on Fisher-Price, 20% on Imaginext Toys. Follow Target Catalogue page on Facebook to get more and future deals.
