Target Catalogue Toy Sale 4 – 10 January 2018
Shop toys cleverly with the latest Target Catalogue published in the second week of the new year. LEGO Star Wars, Hot Wheels, Barbie Dolls, Paw Patrol and many more toys are available in the new catalogue of Target. New Star Wars movie is still in theatres. People would love to have a LEGO Star Wars sets as gifts.
Hot Wheels cars will be only $5 for 5 pk. Save $5 with that half-price deal on pg 10! You can also find a Hot Wheels box! Track builder and action bin will be lower than regular. Paw Patrol toys including rescue racer or action pack will be also cheaper. Find Barbie dolls. Collectable toys, dolls and these cars are so cool. You can use them as a decorative accessory around your house.
Shop Nerf blasters on pg 12. X-shot products are also on sale. In summer, get something for your backyard. Inflatable and portable pools or other water fun can be found on Target Catalogues this month.
- LEGO Star Wars First Order specialists battle pack $18 – save $4 pg 10
- LEGO Star Wars A-wing vs TIE silencer microfighters $22 – save $7
- LEGO Star Wars Ahch-to island training $34 – save $10
- Darth Vader Transformation $34 – save $10
- Paw Patrol action pack pup $10 pg 11
- Paw Patrol basic plush $12 – save $3
- Paw Patrol basic vehicle $19
- Barbie Chelsea toddler doll $19
- NERF N-strike disrupter $15 pg 13
- X-shot hurricane clip blaster $15
- X-shot excel turbo advance $29
- NERF N-strike mega cyclone shock $25