Target Mid Year Mens’ and Kids’ Clothing Jun 2016
Target Mid Year Mens’ and Kids’ clothing is on sale. Some half prices and ladies underwear can be found on the latest catalogue pg 14-15. If you didn’t check this catalgue yet these deals listed below might help you a little bit. Ladies underwear, jewellery, tees, pyjama sets and more products are on sale. Check pg 14 for these sales:
Womens tees – camis $3
Womens shorts $3
Cropped jeans $3
Jewellery 75% off
Briefs from $5
Bras from $10
Sweater $20
Coral fleece gown $20
Pyjama sets $20
Tees and underwear for men can be seen on pg 15.
Men’s bonds underwear $15
Men’s sleepwear $15
Men’s tees $7 HALF PRICE
For more like these deals please go to Target Catalogue Mid Year Clearance sale.