Target Mid Year Mens’ and Kids’ Clothing Jun 2016

1 min.

Target Mid Year Mens’ and Kids’ clothing is on sale. Some half prices and ladies underwear can be found on the latest catalogue pg 14-15. If you didn’t check this catalgue yet these deals listed below might help you a little bit. Ladies underwear, jewellery, tees, pyjama sets and more products are on sale. Check pg 14 for these sales:

Womens tees – camis $3
Womens shorts $3
Cropped jeans $3
Jewellery 75% off
Briefs from $5
Bras from $10
Sweater $20
Coral fleece gown $20
Pyjama sets $20

Target Mid Year Mens' and Kids' Clothing Jun 2016 2Target Mid Year Mens' and Kids' Clothing Jun 2016 1


Tees and underwear for men can be seen on pg 15.

Men’s bonds underwear $15
Men’s sleepwear $15
Men’s tees $7 HALF PRICE

For more like these deals please go to Target Catalogue Mid Year Clearance sale.
