Woolworths Catalogue Christmas Snack Deals 27 Nov – 3 Dec 2019

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Woolworths Catalogue Christmas Snack Deals 27 Nov - 3 Dec 2019

Expect many more deals before Christmas Eve but today we have already a chance to browse the Woolworths Catalogue for the latest half prices of snacks such as chips and drinks like Coke or other soft beverage. Soda packs are regularly on sale almost every week at Woolworths stores. You can buy a Coca-Cola 24x375mL for $18. Surely, speaking of snacks and confectionery, we must also think of Christmas treats. Check out the previous post for many deals on Christmas chocolate boxes and treats from brands like Lindt, Cadbury, and more on this catalogue: Christmas treats on Woolworths catalogue.

Shop Ferrero Rocher classic chocolates pk 16 for half price at Woolies on Wednesday. These are sweet Christmas gifts for anyone. Save $6.30 on the FR on the first page. The first 4 pages of the catalogue consist of such deals. You may also find the deal on Cadbury choc covered nut varieties 310-380g. priced at $5.

Half-price deals on snacks by Woolworths Catalogue:

Soft beverage and more:

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