Woolworths Catalogue Cleaning Supplies 22 – 28 Nov 2017

2 min.

Woolworths Catalogue Cleaning Supplies 22 - 28 Nov 2017We have only two days left to shop the half prices of cleaning supplies from the latest Woolworths Catalogue. Go to pg 32 to see which products are half prices. This is the week Woolies has an introductory price for new products. Omo colours & darks, sports or delicates laundry liquid 1L will cost only $8. This price may go up or go down. But today you can get it for this price. The catalogue also has pet supplies on pg 33. Whiskas cat food varieties will be available ½ price when you see them in-store or online.

Low price always deals for two products are popular. Soften fabric conditioner 1L is $3.80, Quilton facial tissues soft white is only $1.25. Size and details are available on pg 33.

½ prices from Woolies on cleaning products:

An amazing product range from the latest Woolworths Catalogue is here. If you are interested in this type of deals, perhaps a subscription helps you in more efficient way. Subscribe these categories to get more deals from Woolworths.
