Woolworths Catalogue Deals 21 – 27 March 2018

2 min.

Woolworths Catalogue Deals 21 – 27 March has been published. Browse for the Easter products in particular. Woolies has Easter bunny, favourite brands of the top quality chocolate, half-prices can draw your attention.

Read new recipes and prepare sweets for kids and the whole family. You may check out new products in the catalogue. Woolworths has always been one of the stores that are useful to explore new Easter sales. Their catalogues are just another convenience. You can spot the best ones using a single catalogue like this one.

Woolworths has Easter bunny brownies recipe readable on pg 5. Read that recipe, check out gift ideas under $15, on pg 4-5.

Seafood for Lent featuring deals on Aussie Tiger prawns, king prawns, lemon & lime, Just Caught cooked jumbo prawns, blue grenadier (hoki) fillets and more products can be seen on pg 6&7. Prices Dropped for many good products and more half-price deals are valid on seafood products.
