Woolworths Catalogue Grocery 19 – 25 July 2017

5 min.

Woolworths Catalogue Grocery 19 - 25 July 2017Snacks, candies, chips, prices dropped and great deals by Woolies are available on this catalogue. Prices of dairy products on pg 2-3 were dropped for you this week. More special deals like “prices dropped” and “low price always” are viewable on pg 4-5. Big Night In to win trip to South Africa and experience safari. Participating items are listed on pg 6-7. Pringles, Mars, Lindt and more products can be seen. One of the items is Frantelle water with half price. Shop for more snacks, beverage and candies on pg 8-9 for the competition. Pantry products, international products, Aussie food at “low price always” values are on pg 10-15. Shop for frozen dairy products, sweet ice cream, yogurt and other dairy products. Extended fresh produce sale featuring orange, mandarins, broccolini, potatoes and more are available on pg 20-21. Fresh and packaged seafood are available on pg 22-23. Woolies offers great deals of bakery and deli on pg 24-25.

Half prices on cover page;

Prices Dropped on pg 2-5;

Get Arnott’s Shapes for half prices this week. Earn the chance to win trip to South Africa. Get more half prices of participating items on pg 6-9. 4 different half prices on pg 8-9 and 2 different items are on sale on these pages. More than these, other products are on sale.

Last week participating items to win the trip;

B1G1 Free movie ticket with Kellogg’s this week. Corn flakes of Kellogg’s are on sale. Vittoria Espressotoria Capino machine is $49 which is the half of regular value. Another half price is Vittoria Mountain ground beans or ground 1kg which will be $18 after Wednesday. Low price always deals of Nescafee coffee sachets, Kellogg’s corn flakes are also in the range.

1/2 prices of pantry and food products;

Recipe of tandoori chicken pizza is readable on pg 13. Check out sauce, ingredients, and more good food on pg 12-14. You will find pasta, tomato and BBQ sauce and more products on pg 14. Shop for half priced quick meals including pizza. Sara Lee pudding, cocktail spring rolls and more on pg 16. Rich variety of ice cream, sweets and dairy products are on pg 16-18.

Half prices;

Moreover, low price always deli products can be seen on pg 18-19. Cheese, meat, chicken variety are available on pg 24-25. Make your best pie wiht the deli – bakery products of Woolies. After pg 24-25 you can check out household items, electronics, home deals etc.
