Woolworths Catalogue Grocery Deals 29 Aug – 4 Sep 2018

3 min.

Woolworths Catalogue shows the lower prices of regular products that you are familiar with. And it also promotes new products. 3 new products are introduced with introductory prices on pg 21. These are all from the grocery category of Woolworths Catalogue. twinings In’fuse jar of 12 pack, starter kit and trial pack of 3 are cheap for now. Try these new tastes by one of the most known tea brands all around the world. Half-price deals on breakfast food are available on pg 22. Vegemite, LeSnak, Vitasoy, St Dalfour spread and more products will cost lower this week. It’s pretty much possible to lower the overall cost of weekly spending.

Check out these pantry products and breakfast food on pg 22-23:

Ice cream is trending nowadays and Woolworths has deals on popular frozen products which are viewable in the freezer section of the catalogue. Go to pg 24-25 for half-price deals for many favourite products. Also, Oreo cookies, Oreo cone, Paddle pop, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, Viennetta, Bulla Creamy ice cream could be in your shopping list. Browse all of these on pg 24-25.

Dairy products and cheese:

Furthermore, please check out our Facebook page where you can follow the future catalogues of this retailer.
