Woolworths Catalogue Household Products 12 – 18 Dec 2018

2 min.

You have a decent product range which is focused on the weekly needs of a home. Find toothpaste, mouthwash, Schick Quattro 4 Titanium blades, Colgate and more products are the featured items on pg 30. Special discounts like “Low Price Always” and “Prices Dropped” of Woolies can also be useful in lowering the expenses. Huggies baby wipes, S26 formula, Nurofen and likes of these items will be in your inventory for the best prices of Woolworths. Visit pg 32-33 where you can find laundry detergent, insect killers, pet food and more cleaning products. Resupply your needs if you want to get them for a cheaper price. Sensodyne deep clean toothpaste of 110g pack is only $7 and it’s $2.20 cheaper. Buy Batiste dry shampoo of 200mL for $7 to save $3 until 18 December. Only Organic baby food pouch, Gaia bath wash, and much more can be found in this catalogue of Woolies. 
