Woolworths Catalogue Non-Foods 12 – 18 April 2017

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You can see details about non-food products of Woolworths Catalogue 12 – 18 April in this post. Beauty products like hair care items are on pg 31.Woolworths Catalogue Non-Foods 12 - 18 April 2017 Half prices of personal care are featured on pg 30. Shampoo, Oral-B and Blackmores are available on this catalogue. You must get your daily vitamins from nutritional source naturally. But if you are in lack of vitamins use these pills to support your body. Check out baby products on pg 33. There are essentials that are daily consumed for babies.

Baby care products;

Household items and pet supplies are still on sale. Until Wednesday you can shop for these prices viewable on pg 34-35. Find Kleenex, Cold Power, Finish and more products that are on sale. Biozet Attack Laundry is a useful product to remove stain. 3D clean action will result in efficiently done laundries. Check out Biozet Attack price which is half for this week. Pay only $9.99 for 2L laundry liquid.

Find new gift card deals on pg 36&37. You can renew your LED globes with Philips LED products that are half priced on pg 36. Earn bonus points on the gift cards you can view on pg 37. Half prices of some snacks and beverage can be seen on final page of the catalgoue.
