Woolworths Catalogue Personal Care 18 – 24 Jul 2018

2 min.

Hair care products are on sale. Half-price deal is valid for Garnier Fructis. Visit pg 30 for 3 great half price deals and more discounts. Oral care products like Colgate mouthwash and toothpaste will be on pg 31. 30% off Schick razor. Blackmores pharmacy products are at half price on the pg 33. Olay products are the same and baby care items are also on sale. Visit pg 30-33 of the Woolworths Catalogue for personal care sale. The catalogue also shows mobile services and the deals on them. For example, flexi mobile plan from Woolworths mobile will cost $51.63/m. You can get $100 bonus gift card. You can get Samsung Galaxy S9 for getting a Flexi mobile plan from $63.30/m. Earn double points of rewards at Woolworths.

Oral Care Products and more:

Baby Products:
