Woolworths Catalogue Spring Cleaning 5 – 11 Sep 2018

2 min.

Gather chemicals and tools to manage spring cleaning this year. All you need is good deals to save on these products and Woolworths Catalogue has a pro tip for you. They have a part of the catalogue which covers the essential needs of spring cleaning. All products are on sale. The profit is huge and they are easy to find. If you go to the pg 28-35 where all the cleaning products are available, the deals are shown there. Also, find spring gardening on pg 36. If you have a garden to be cleaned then you need some proper equipment to take care of the prep for the new season. Don’t forget to follow our Facebook page where we share this kind of updates. First of all, there is a huge amount of half-price savings in this category. For example, Palmolive, Pine O Cleen and more are half-price deals on pg 29.

½ price deals from Woolworths Catalogue Spring Cleaning:

A lot of exclusive products are also available. Strike Bathroom or kitchen cleaner, Strike wipes, multi purpose cleaner and floor cleaner are only at Woolworths.
