Woolworths Catalogue Wellness Products 8 – 14 Apr 2020
You can find nutritional supplements, aerosol, facial masks, skincare products, and more products from the Woolworths Catalogue Wellness Products. It’s best to shop half-price deals and see them first when you intend to browse such items. Herbal Essences products will cost half this week. Visit pg 33 to see them. Regularly, Woolworths sells similar items and this week they boosted the amount of savings. There are also half-price deals on smartphones and Energizer batteries. You can buy mobile data packs at Woolies this week. See the price range for these products on pg 34.
Cleaning your home has never been this important. When this virus is around, no one can be safe if they live in a dirty environment. Try to utilize the top quality chemicals to clean and disinfect the surfaces you touch frequently at home. Dog and cat foods, Morning Fresh dishwashing liquid, and more products are also available on the catalogue. Woolworths Catalogue also contains toys of Dreamworks Trolls World Tour movie. You can shop in-store or using online, pick up and delivery services of Woolworths.
- Keep It Cleaner Protein Balls or Bars 32g $1.60 ea pg 32
- Keep It Cleaner Protein Powder 375g 30% off
- Go Natural Digestion Capsules Pk 30 $10
- Herbal Essences Shampoo or Conditioner 300ml $2.75 pg 33
- Herbal Essences Bio Renew Shampoo or Conditioner 400ml $5.50
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