Woolworths Optus Starter Pack Save $25

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You can get bonus with buying Myer gift cards at Woolworths this week. Buy a $100 Myer gift card to get $10 bonus. This supermarket is a good place to buy some data packs and mobile phones. Usually, you can find a good price or SIM cards on Woolworths Catalogues. Telstra SIM Card is one of the half-price deals until 5 Nov according to this catalogue. In the same part of the catalogue you can also see a new-release DVD of the movie “The Secret Life of Pets 2”. If buying a smartphone makes you wonder about cheaper prices, I also recommend you to browse Woolworths’ mobile category since they have some decent smartphones at a very good price all the time. For example, Telstra Nokia 2.2 is $119. 5.7″ HD display, 13MP rear camera + 5MP front camera are what you can use with that smartphone. Take a look at these prices on the latest Woolworths Catalogue:

In the non-food part of the Woolworths Catalogue, you can browse Biozet Attack, Omo, and more laundry chemicals. Almost all of them are half-price deals of the week. You can buy Biozet Attack for $11. More laundry products, household supplies, dishwashing liquids are viewable on pg 38-39.
