Woolworths Snack Sale 15 – 21 Apr 2020

2 min.

Woolworths Snack Sale 15 - 21 Apr 2020Italian frozen pizza, ice cream, new strength meals, and more products are in the Woolworths Snack Sale 15 – 21 Apr. That sale is present in the latest Woolworths Catalogue. Currently, you can browse the catalogue, however, the deals will be valid on Wednesday. Also, you’ll be able to see new prices of chips, candies, chocolate, beverage products on pg 8-9 of this catalogue. Buy Arnott’s cream biscuit for $2 only. Save $1 on that product. Most catalogues introduce new products this week. Like Woolworths and Coles, IGA will also have a new catalogue tomorrow hopefully. Coles and IGA published their catalogues on Tuesday last week. Enjoy your hours at home with a little piece of these snacks. Many of them would already be on your shopping list. It’s only a win win deal. If you like to have some oats in the mornings as breakfast, check out pg 10 for a good deal, too.

This catalogue also has exclusive items. For example, Nice & Natural fruit snacks will be only at Woolworths. Deals of Prices-Dropped on two products that are only at Woolworths can be viewed on pg 10 as well. Subscribe to the newsletter and receive emails about deals like Woolworths Snack Sale 15 – 21 Apr.
