ALDI Air Fryer Oven – Make Pizza and Chicken At Home

3 min.

The latest big thing at ALDI stores is a an air fryer oven. Air fryers have been popular for some time now. ALDI Air Fryer Oven - Make Pizza and Chicken At HomeTheir popularity is due to the healthier version of what we love to fry. These kitchen tools use a much lower amount of oil to make a fried chicken. ALDI Air Fryer Oven is similar but it’s the oven. You can make whole chicken instead of fried chicken legs. At the end of the process, you’ll have a whole fried chicken. It also operates with 10 different cooking functions. One of them is the pizza function. Even making bread is possible with it. It has LED Display, 1700W power, and stainless steel housing, too. Buy it for only $149 on 24 June at ALDI stores. ALDI Catalogues promotes the product on pg 2. If you love Italian cuisine, this product may be very helpful in your cooking.

Kitchen sale of ALDI catalogue is not that only. Find kitchenware, pasta bowls, serving products, plates, and modern design items to use in your kitchen or dining room. The catalogue has also a small pantry category. That part of the catalogue includes coffee maker of Lavazza, too. Buy the coffee maker for only $149. On the 24th of June, you can shop for winter clothing like coats, boots, and more, as well. ALDI Air Fryer Oven and more deals:

Pantry products and more kitchen appliances:

ALDI goes full Italian this week. Beautiful designs, the real taste of coffee, and more will be fun to shop. Also, you have the winter clothing in the catalogue:

