ALDI Bedroom Catalogue Special Buys 15th April

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ALDI Bedroom Catalogue Special Buys 15th April and electronics on the same cataogue that are sale on 15th April Wednesday. ALDI Home Bedroom Special Buys 15th AprilALDI will sell these on Wednesday and in addition you can always shop for the regular range of the supermarket on official page or in-store. This week’s ALDI Bedroom Catalogue special buys covered a kind of vintage fashion in the selection of furniture, decorative accessory, essentials of bathroom and so on.


The vintage concept can be confusing because when we mention “vintage” it would mean a time while which includes at least few decades but this time ALDI’s special buys bedroom products are vintage of 90s and 80s. You can see the different at first sight when you open the catalogue. Pay attention to the color and patterns of the quilt covers on pg; 2.
Quilted Coverlet Set $69.99
Vintage Wash Sheet Set $59.99

ALDI Bathroom Products

Your bathroom may need more help than you planned. Accessories, holders, mat, mirrors and diffusers are playing for a serious role in bathroom. There is always a need in everyone’s bathroom but we skip it instantly. But now ALDI offered a great range of bed and bathroom products for all customers. I believe you will love this German style retailing offering a perfect price range for high quality bed&bath products. ALDI brings resort hotel comfort in your bathroom providing such products.
Bathroom Accessories Set $14.99 pg;3
Toilet Brush Holder $12.99
Vintage Style Mirror $12.99
Bath Towel Set 4 pce $26.99
They remind me of the movies from 90s like “Heat” or “Scent of a Woman”. If you watch these movies again you will see the similarity between the decoration of movies and the ALDI selection on this catalogue. It means the conceptual of course.

ALDI Furniture Sale

Both furniture and bed&bath sale of ALDI will be on Wednesday 15th April. Don’t miss out this one and the future sales of ALDI Catalogue. Also visit other catalogues of various Australian retailers which you may reach with the links on the main page.
Sohl Emilie Dresser of French fashion with mirror $129
Sohl Emilie French Stool $39.99
French style bedside table $39.99
These are appearing as white on the catalogue, however, you are able to avail them in black color. Please ask authorized personel of ALDI for it.
