Aldi Catalogue Deals 26 September 2018 | Oktoberfest

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Beauty is a major category in the latest Aldi Catalogue which is the special buys week 39. Renew your stocks with the low prices by Aldi. Johnson’s body wash, Nivea creme tin of 250mL and more products are viewable on pg 2-3. Visit pg 3 for hair products. You can find a hairbrush, Pantene shampoo or conditioner and more at nice prices. ALDI is a German brand and ocassionaly they have special German products in the catalogues. They have emphasized the kitchen products and Oktoberfest food in this one. If you like to celebrate with your family or gather with your friends, making something related to baking can be an option for you. Check out the bakery products of Aldi Catalogue on pg 4-5. Really good deals, durable products, useful things are worth to see. Non-stick bakeware, measuring sets, kitchen scale…
Oktoberfest snacks are cool, too. Browse them on pg 6&7.

Good picks from the beauty deals:

Kitchen Products:

Some of the Oktoberfest snacks and foods:

Another category that will be available on 26 September is the men’s clothing for the new season. Find t-shirts, shoes, shorts, underwear and more at cheaper price. Leather belt will cost only $12.99. For more of the Aldi Catalogue, you can follow our Facebook page to track the deals.
