ALDI Catalogue Special Buys Week 14 2017

3 min.

New ALDI Catalogue contains Special Buys Week 14 products which are indoor entertainment products, DIY tools and home improvement, Greece food, elder care, and gardening for a beautiful to rest. ALDI Catalogue Special Buys Week 14 2017On 5 April you can shop for Bauhn TV, and sound systems that are viewable on pg 2-3. And you can shop for some DIY tools which are useful in repairing and building something original for your home. Table saw, XL 4 shelf cabinet and more products are available in this list of products of ALDI.

Check out pg 2-3 for Bauhn TV and other useful electronics or accessories.

If you enjoy self production and DIY projects you should absolutely see the latest ALDI catalogue which contains some of those products on pg 4-5. These are pretty nice offers including Table Saw, Workzone products and accessories. Check out multifunctional tools. Accurate results can only be obtained with the quality products like these. And you can also find electronics like globes etc.

Mediterranean taste from Greece food are featured on the latest ALDI Catalogue. Baklava, olives, tomato sauce, beautiful cookies, and some fine selection of beverage are available in the list of ALDI products. Check out details on pg 6&7. Vertical Grill will on sale at ALDI. 1500W product has 21L capacity. You can make kebabs with this product. Very tasty.

Shop for elder care products and gardening on 8 April. Enjoy shopping and have a nice day !
