ALDI Catalogue Special Buys Week 30 – 24 Jul – 27 Jul 2019

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Dutch food has been brought to you by ALDI Catalogue this week. Shop some traditional Dutch goods on pg 2-3 of the latest ALDI sale. Candies, cake mix, sauces, and more delicious products might add something different in your kitchen. This is ALDI’s classic habit and people seem to like it. European and Asian cuisines are often promoted in such ALDI Catalogues. Check out these Dutch food products:

ALDI Bonds Kids Products

Sleepsuits and shoes are available on 4-5 of the ALDI Catalogue kids category. The products will be available on 24 July. Check out baby wondersuit, socks, sleeping bag, organic products, and more on these pages. You can buy baby sleeping bag or suit for $18.99 on this part of the catalogue. Also, you have kids’ bedroom products in this special buys week 30.

Find these and more in the catalogue:

Kids’ Bedroom Products and Nursery

You can decorate kids’ room for creating a colourful and cozy place. ALDI’s portable cot deal is a rare price. You can check out that deal on pg 7. See the details of this catalogue browsing the pages. ALDI Catalogue Special Buys Week 30 offers baby care and nursery items on pg 8-9. These modern nursery items can be a relief for babysitters, too. Distracting kids with colourful designs and playful products while feeding, these products save your time and money. You can also buy a convertible booster seat for $119 at ALDI.

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