ALDI Catalogue Summer Bedroom 7 Nov 2015

2 min.

Summer is coming and ALDI knows you miss summer time happiness in your bedroom ! bedroom-summer-aldi
Summer Bedroom collection await you on the shelves in ALDI. In this ALDI Catalogue -pg 21-22- you’ll find; Queen size and King size quilts, sheet sets, pillowscases and covers with special embellishments, embroidery and ribbon detailing. Plus, sets includes quilt cover and 2 pillowcases.

Costumers which shopped from ALDI before, knows their products means; quality, comfort and stylish. In this summer, when you will go to sleep, you will be proud of yourselves for choose this summer collection.

Quilts filled with Australian grown wool and cotton.Wool naturally insulates keeping you dry, while cotton is naturally soft and breathable keeping you cool. Tailored European weight pillowcases (2 packs) are available in eight different colors (red, yellow, green, blue, navy blue, grey, off-white and white). 300 thread count cotton fitted sheet set woven from fine cotton yarns and dyed in colors of summer. Sheets and pillowcases are reflecting awesome summer colors.

Also ALDI wins 5 out 5 stars from Canstar most satisfied costumers. So check out full catalogue on the preview page and the category page of the ALDI Catalogue then find you own style.

Prices of products;

Hhhurry up ! Stocks are limited.
