ALDI Personal Care Catalogue 13 – 19 Jan 2016
Protect yourselves from the dangerous Sun! Being under the sun is amazing but it can burn us and can damage our skin which can go until skin cancers that nobody wants to have. You need some simple tricks to prevent sun’s bad effect on you and your loved ones. Amazing Protane heat protection creams, which are made by Argon oil from Morocco. You can use this authentique product for keep your beautiful skin. It can be your bestfriend in this summer because of its advantages to have it with you. Be careful of your health, you are precious! You can protect your skin with protane’s amazing offers which are available in ALDI stores for you! Make your summer much more healthy with ALDI’s amazing offers for you!
If you have a dry skin because of the effects of the hot weather, this summer can be your bad friend because it can hurt your skin and make your skin drier day by day. You can check Protane’s amazing Hydrating oil on your body. This is totally natural product which also made by Argon oil from Morocco. It has no chemicals inside so you can use it freely and you do not need to think about it more! Protect yourselves from being dry! Amazing offers are waiting for you in ALDI!