ALDI Special Buys Catalogue 1 – 3 Feb 2016

2 min.

EASTER SPECIALS ALDI Special Buys Catalogue 1 - 3 Feb 2016

Jump into Easter with tasty treats which are available in ALDI stores for you! You can enjoy those treats which will make you and your guests happier and better! You can find a lot of treats which are really creative and tasty in ALDI! Speckled Eggs are available in ALDI stores! They look like eggs but they are actually a chocolates which look like eggs! It is great offer from ALDI to you! Make your days much better with much better Easter treats which are available for you! Those speckled eggs are on perfect sale in ALDI stores for you! Its great look will make everyone think that they are just eggs! But surprise is under the cover! Perfect treats are available for you in ALDI stores!

As you know, bunnies are the symbol of Easter, you can have some bunny themed products which will make your guests and yourselves much better and make yourselves feel you are in Easter times. Bunny cookies are only $3,99 in ALDI stores for you! These cookies are super tasty and look amazing, like your guests deserve! You can find the tasty solutions for Easter in ALDI stores this week! Enjoy your Easter days! Make your treats tastier and make yourselves happier with them!
