ALDI Summer Special Catalogue 23 – 29 Dec 2015

2 min.

SPECIAL SUMMER BY ALDIALDI Summer Specials Catalogue 23 - 29 Dec 2015

This summer, let your children play outside all day long. These amazing products will allow them to have fun outside. Check out our special offers in this catalogue. Monkey bars are on sale at ALDI. Now they don’t have to go to playground. Have your own playground at home.  Also assorted Neoprene Balls are here. Available as football, volleyball or soccerball. Let your kids choose their favourite sport. Besides having fun, protecting kids from UV is so important. For protecting, what you need is at ALDI. Family Sunscreen Lotions are only $8.99.

We have more opportunities for kids to have fun this summer. Your kids will love these high quality kites. Our kites are made from durable spinnaker nylon. Also Go Go Cars and anything you need for a water war are in this catalogue. Go Go Car has a removable floor. So you can remove it and let your kids enjoy walking. Also you can handle position on back for parent control steering. Check out our wonderful offers for Pump Action Water Guns, Giant Water Cannons and Bunch O Balloons. Always be the winner of water wars. Giant Water Cannons can be connectod to a hose for an unlimited water supply and Bunch O Balloons allow you prepare 100 pre-tied water bombs in only 1 minute. For summer fun, shop ALDI online!
