Coles Cadbury Christmas Treat Sale 20 – 26 Nov 2019

2 min.

="ColesCadbury has interesting Christmas treats and all products of the brand are reflective of the classic Christmas theme. You can find tree-shaped products, candy bags, favourites at half prices, chocolate boxes, and more items in the first part of the Coles Catalogue. Just having these products on your table would be enough to act as a decoration for Christmas. You can also find more Christmas-related food or treats in this catalogue. Coles beechwood smoked half leg ham is only $9 kg this week. The treats don’t end with the snack-like products.

Stock-up some chips, biscuits, crackers, beverage and soda packs like the ones on pg 21. Kettle potato chips are one of the most popular chips in all Coles Catalogues. Pay $3 for a pack of 175g chips on pg 19. Don’t forget to see the Coles Cadbury Christmas treat sale, Ferrero Rocher products, and other Christmas products before visiting the stores.

More Christmas chocolates:

Coles also has half prices on popular snack and chips. Buy Doritos corn chips for $3.50. Another half-price deal is Sakat rice crisps which is available on pg 16. Follow on Facebook or Twitter to get more deals like these.
