Coles Catalogue Deals 19 – 25 Feb 2020 | Fresh Stikeez

Coles Catalogue Deals 19 - 25 Feb 2020A Fresh Stikeez will be yours for your $30 purchase at Coles supermarket this week. Last week Coles introduced a new collection of 24 pieces of fresh stikeez. And this has been the deal so far. Apparently, the deal will go on for 19 – 25 Feb. Coles Catalogue is again a good source to find groceries and fresh meat. If you like to have some beef meals for dinner, you may be interested in beef rump steak that will cost only $19/kg. 4 products from different categories will be half-price deals on the first page. Stikeez is not the only thing interesting in the new catalogue. However, if you have special enthusiasm to get one, I think you should see pg 6 where you can see the collection of Coles Stikeez fresh friends:

Coles Meat and Bakery Products

One of the easiest and grillable meats are lamb forequarter chops. They contain enough fat to be delicious and juicy. Lamb meat is a really quick and easy way to have some meat for lunch or dinner. Add some lamb to your grilling party menu for only $5.80/pk from Coles supermarket. Browse Coles meat sale on pg 7. Traditionally beloved and sentimentally beautiful Coles hot cross buns are again one of the promoted items of the Coles bakery section. Buy them for $3.50 pk. this week. Make classic Green’s pancake shake for breakfast and add some sweets.

Coles Seafood, Fridge and Ice Cream

Coles Catalogue Deals 19 - 25 Feb 2020There are tons of recipes that can be useful making some prawn meals or salads. Frying, boiling or grilling. Try something new with medium black tiger prawns thawed that will cost $24 kg this week at Coles. They are also great ingredients for pasta meals. If you don’t like to drink plain milk, flavoured milk products may also be helpful when you want to consume that probiotic nutrition. Dare espresso milk 750mL bottle will cost $3.20 at Coles. Fridge food and ready meals or frozen products are available on pg 16-17. That’s also where you can find ice cream. I have always been a fan of sticks and I usually prefer them over tubes when it comes to ice cream. I think there is more soul in it. Peters Connoisseur sticks or cookies will cost $6 for its 4-6 pack.

New products and exclusive deals:

½ prices:

Coles Pantry Sale 19 – 25 Feb 2020

Coles Catalogue Deals 19 - 25 Feb 2020The essentials are viewable in this part of the catalogue. If you like to cook Mediterranean foods you must already know olive oil is one of the essentials for that cuisine. It’s the healthiest oil and every article would praise its benefits. With that said, the oil should not be added too much to anything just because it makes a meal more delicious. It’s the highest-calorie nutrition after all. Check out similar sort of items and breakfast foods including fibre-rich breakfast bars and cereals on pg 24-25.

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