Coles Catalogue Deals Jul 25 – 31, 2018 | Half Prices, Grocery

4 min.

Coles Little shop deals are going on. Check out the new Coles Catalogue for deals like half prices on the first page. Carman’s nut bars, Twinings breakfas tea, and more are half price deals on that page. Earn items for your purchases of many products that are participating items to the Little Shop sale. Cadbury Dairy milk, Freddo, Arnott’s, eclipse and more candies and snacks are on sale on pg 3. Browse the half-price sale on pg 4-5. L’OR, Campbell’s are featured products. Buy TimTam or Wagon Wheels for only $5! Schweppes soda water and lemon-lime will cost only $2.90! To see Coles Little shop items please go to pg 2.

Snacks and beverage are an important category of all Coles Catalogues. Browse some good deals on the beverage on pg 6-7. Down Down deal on Dolmio Lasagne bechamel and thick tomato. These practical food and pantry products are on sale and it really drops down the cost of weekly living. spc Aussie made beans and spaghetti will be $.90! Wholesome falafel chips is half price.

Buy, Scan and Win with Coles Little Shop deals. Pesto sauce and Maggi 2 min. noodles are participating food products to this deal. Visit pg 13 for coffee sales. Nescafe Blend 43, LeSnak, Nestle Milo, Uncle Tobys corn flakes, cereals and other breakfast products are available on pg 14. Buy LeSnak for only $5. Vitasoy rice milk or soy milk will cost $1.50. Those are some popular milk products preferred by vegetarians.

Half Price Deals:

Recipe of healhty chicken chow mein is readable on pg 20. Ingredients and methods and some of the necessary proudcts. Chicken breast fillets are $9/kg at Coles after Wednesday. More meat products and chicken can be seen on pg 21. Fresh products including kiwifruit, potatoes, apples, and deli meat products are available on pg 22-23. Buy Big M chocolate milk for only $4. Farmers Union Greek style yoghurt will cost only $5! Lurpak, pro-activ and like-class dairy products are also on sale.

More half prices:

Furthermore, find pharmacy, personal care, cleaning products, baby products and more on this catalogue. Follow our Facebook page for more deals from Coles.
