Coles Catalogue Grocery Sale 24 – 30 Apr 2019

4 min.

Back to school sale is already a subject of the grocery catalogues from brands like Coles. In this Coles Catalogue, which contains the deals for 24 – 30 Apr, you’ll be able to find half-price deals on La Espanola olive oil, Robert Timms instant coffee, Pringles, and more. Visit pg 2-3 for these items. Back to school can mean preparing and stocking up some nutritional breakfast products. Browse some of these on pg 4-5. Nature Valley bars 210g is gonna cost only $2.40! Down down and everyday low prices of products like Kellogg’s rice bubbles, Up & Go, Indomie Instant noodles, and more items for breakfast or launch are perfect items for back to school breakfast shopping.
The quickest possible breakfast before the rush hour is possible with the tasty breakfast foods. Nutri-Grain, All-Bran, go natural nut delight, LeSnak, SPC fruit packs are on sale. Buy Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain for only $3 at Coles this week. If you like your breakfast bigger, then check out butter, cheese, yogurt, flavoured milk, and many more products on pg 8-9. Wonder White bread is gonna cost only $3.40. Coles Back to School bakery has hot cross buns and croissants at lower prices this week. Anzac biscuits are only 2/$5!

Half-price range of pantry products:

Breakfast snacks and nutritional foods:

Packaged foods and more at half prices:

Coles Catalogue Deli, Meat, Fresh Food, and More

Get your fresh food stocks renewed with the low prices of Coles. Australian modi apples will cost $4.50 and it’s only at Coles. You have Italian style of meat at Coles. Bertocchi hickory smoked ham will only cost $22/kg. Ham, prawns, Elco Dodoni feta, Primo cocktail, salmon skin off portion, and more in meat and seafood on pg 14-15. 500g Coles Finest sausages are $6/pk. Cheese is one of the gourmet products of deli-breakfast categories of all weekly catalogues. Tasmanian Heritage brie or camembert is at half price.
