Coles Catalogue Half Price Sunscreens 2 Jan 2018

2 min.

Coles Catalogue Half Price Sunscreens 2 Jan 2018What about a new sunscreen for the holiday you might plan to have this week. If you are comfortable with going somewhere for swimming or camping sunscreens might come handy for you. The thing is we need to bring this to the table. There is nothing intimitading about these new sales. Nivea sunscreen spray, lotions, banana boot suncomfort spray SPF50+ are half price deals. Let’s talk about the low prices of personal care items as well. Brut deodorant body spray and Norsca anti-perspirant deodorant will be half priced products.

Check out the half prices for sunscreens and more pharmacy:

Vaseline, Nair Wax strips sensitive large, Bic hybdrid advance disposible razor, Schick hydro silk razor and nurofen are among the products from the pg 30 of this catalogue. You have to call a good deal a good deal even if it’s hard to find. It’s becoming so simple to shop online. I am not in favor of changing this system a lot. I believe it’s working right now.
