Coles Catalogue Latest Christmas Deals 2016 | 14 – 20 December

4 min.
Table of Contents

As many other grocery catalogues this Coles Catalogue has made a lot of deals for Christmas holiday.Coles Catalogue Latest Christmas Deals 2016 You have the opportunity to buy your favourite quality for half prices but more important thing is of the wide range of turkey meals, which will be available on 19th December, chicken variety, party deli food, sweets and half price snacks or beverage. Top brands of chocolate boxes like Lindt, Cadbury are mostly what you will see inside this catalogue. On pg 14-15, 16-17 and pg 42 you will find the half price snacks of Coles Catalogue Latest Christmas Deals 2016 which is valid on 14 – 20 December 2016.

Highlighted Deals by Coles Catalogue Christmas

If you want to impress people with your delicious food, this is the place where you can pay less and get quality. Festive food products from deli and meat departments of Coles stores have been advertised by this catalogue. This is a bundle to visualize the basic needs on sale with single shot.

Seafood and deli meat can be browsed on pg 2-3 as a good example. Two nice deals by Coles on cover page:

Australian cooked black tiger prawns $25 kg
Australian cheeries $16.90 kg

Notes from this catalogue:

Turkeys will be available on 19th December – see them on pg 5.
– Recipe of ultimate vanilla bean fudge is readable on pg 11.
– You can support Aussie kids and youth with cancer by buying $2 card or donating at registers of Coles.
All products on pg 12-13 have been half priced – generally snacks and beverage.

Seafood of Coles Christmas

Prefer light options for the dinner. Seafood is an excellent one for such purpose. Don’t miss these by Coles on pg 2.

Fresh ASC Salmon on portions $24 kg
Imported Barramundi fillets thawed $13 kg
MSC Raw banana prawns thawed $18 kg

Chicken and Turkeys for Christmas

Natural Australian grown chicken, meat and turkeys are available on pg 5-7. Turkeys will be available on 19th Dec. With that said, these are for main course. Sides must consist of products from deli. They have the purpose for this. Check out pg 8-9 for Christmas deli meat and sides. See the top prices for these products:

Turkey Whole Medium 3.8kg $29.00 ea pg 5
Hunter Valley Turkey Whole Medium 3.8kg $38.00 ea

RSPCA Approved Whole Chicken $4.00 kg pg 6
Luv A Duck Fresh Whole Duck $10.50 kg
Steggles Frozen Turkey Breast Roast 1kg $17.00 ea
Steggles Frozen Turkey Medium Buffet 3.8kg $36.00 ea – save $4

Oliving Twiggy Sticks – half price – $15.00 kg pg 8
Elco Dodoni Feta $18.00 kg
Lilydale Free Range Hot Roast Chicken $10.00 ea – save $3

Berri 100% Au Grown juice 2L $4 – save $2 pg 9
Castello Half Moon Cheese 150g $5.00 ea – save $2.39
Red Rock Deli Dips 150g 3 for $10.00

Save with new deals on sweets and Christmas cakes on pg 10, read the recipe of fudge on pg 11, and check out half price snacks on pg 12-13.
