Coles Catalogue Personal Care 11 – 17 October 2017

2 min.

Coles Catalogue Personal Care 11 - 17 October 2017Coles Catalogue Personal Care 11 – 17 October product list can be found on the final part of this preview. Pantene shampoo or conditioner, detoxfying facial scrub, Palmolive soap and many more products that will be on sale. Check out the beauty range of Coles for the detailed information. Go to pg 29-30 for top best brands. Also, Olay cleanser, day cream, anti-ageing, night cream will be at lower costs.

It’s possible to spot some good deals like Sensodyne toothpaste, Cancer council ultra sunscreen. If you are looking for cleaning products, check out pg 33-34. Half prices of Palmolive, Cuddly, Kleenex, Hercules Clickzip sandwich bags and many more items. Check out products of Coles for more savings and special deals.

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