Coles Catalogue Snacks 3 – 9 Jul 2019 | Half Prices

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Check out the latest half-price deals from the Coles Catalogue. You can see a big portion of the snack sale on the first page, however, the real thing is available on pg 14-15. There you can find Doritos chips, popular Aussie snacks, candies, chips, cookies, etc. 4 products will cost half starting on Wednesday. Buy Coca-Cola 24x375mL to save $12.10! Shop candies, soft beverage, Powarade, Lipton ice tea, biscuit bars of Cadbury, and more favourite stuff that Aussies like. Coles Catalogue has a smaller range of snacks compared to the latest Woolworths Catalogue, however, they have as good deals on the items. The catalogue is rich in diversity of categories and a lot of new products are available to browse. The deals might not be effective today. They will be so starting on 3 July 2019. These are also great foods while you watch your favourite game. Even Coles titled them as “Game On”.
4 products are half-price deals and you can see them on the cover page.

You got some popular things on pg 14-15. If you are planning to visit someone you haven’t been visiting for a while, Lindt Lindor chocolate gift box can be an icebreaker. Buy it for only $10 to save $9 this week at Coles stores or online shop.

Check out ½ prices and more deals by Coles snack sale:

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