Coles Catalogue Unreal and Half Prices 2 – 8 Nov 2016 has a brilliant range of products consisting of snacks, chocolates, candies, pantry and many more like these. Practical ideas by this catlaogue and affordable rates of the products make shopping a joyful trip. Starting tomorrow it will not be challenging to shop for food, instead, Coles will give you the simplest ways to save money and shop for the quality. Half prices and unreal deals are the living proof of the good intention of catalogues.
Mars M&M’s maltesers or pods $2
Pringles potato chips 134g $1.90
Pepsi, Solo or Schweppes soft drink 24x375mL $9
Ferrero Rocher boxed chocolates 16 pk 200g $6
Half Price of beverage can be seen on pg 3:
Cadbury medium bars 30g $1
Campbell’s V8 or V8 powerblend juice $2.49
Schweppes soft drink, mineral water or mixers 1.25L $1.10
Golden Circle Tetra fruit drink 1L $1.07
Coles offers half prices of snacks and chocolates of favourite brands on pg 5:
Twisties, Burger rings or cheetos snacks 90g $.92
Cadbury Favourites gift box chocolates 540g $9.50
Cadbury Dairy milk gift box chocolates 175g $5
Sakata Rice crackers 90g $1.16
Pantry half prices of Coles including rice, almond milk, sauces and more on pg 9:
Harvest 425g $1.75
Maharajah’s choice basmati rice 5kg $8.75
Australia’s Own organic almond long life milk 1L $1.93
MasterFoods sauce 920mL $2.34
Furthermore you will find sauces, noodles with half price deals on pg 11 of Coles Catalogue:
La Espanola Olive oil 500mL $4.50
Paul Newman’s own dressing 250mL $2.20
Edgell bean meal 200g $1.74
Maggi 2 min. noodles 12 pk 864g $4.50
Half prices of the Ho Mai Yum Cha entertainer pack, party pies, nanna’s apple pies from Coles on pg 21. Swisse packs are also half priced at Coles. You may browse the new products of half prices on pg 26. Oral B power brushes & toothpaste can be purchased for the half price.
Omo laundry liquid capsules 20 pk $6.24
Biozet Attack laundry powder front&top 1kg $5.50
Duck Fresh discs toilet cleaner 36mL $2.84
Ambi Pur Air effects effects air freshener 275g or Car mini air freshener 2mL $2.99