Coles Christmas Snack Sale 18 – 24 Dec 2019 | Catalogue Sale

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Table of Contents

    Snacks are the best of all grocery catalogues. People love them and when it’s Christmas or a similar event, they boost the number of deals on favourite snacks like Cadbury dairy milk chocolate or Ferrero Rocher. They love to advertise such products. In this Coles Christmas Catalogue, you can again see a classic range of Christmas Snack sale. If you want to directly browse the snack category of this catalogue, go to pg 24. First of all, they got the new prices of popular beverage brands including Pepsi Max, Coca-Cola, and Kirks. Visit pg 24 to see the packs of soda. Soft drinks at half prices are also available on the catalogue. Lipton ice tea 1.5L will cost half this week.

    Also, find new half-price deals on Christmas confectionery and regular snacks like Thins chips. Coles Catalogue usually offers organic and healthy snack products, too. In recent years, people are beware of the harmful effects of consuming too many snacks. Most manufacturers increased the amount of protein in these products. Nice & Natural protein bars can be great substitute to your breakfast diet. It’s a great example of that. Browse these Coles Christmas snack sale and more deals :

    Half-price deals on beverage:

    Chips and cookies:
