Coles Household Half-Price Deals 19 – 25 Feb 2020

2 min.

Tomorrow, a new Coles Catalogue is going to be published. But there are still deals from the latest catalogue and they are pretty important. One of the biggest deals is the half-price deal on household cleaning supplies including chemical cleaning supplies, laundry products, and bathroom consumables. Morning Fresh dishwashing liquid 900mL will cost only $3.75 with that half-price saving. If you have a bad odour problem in your neighbourhood, some of it would probably go into your living room, too. For that reason, I recommend you to use an air freshener just to refresh your air once in a while at home. Airwick products are probably useful items for that. Effective laundry is only possible when you have quality stuff to do it. Check out these items from Coles Catalogue half-price deals 19 – 25 Feb:

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