Coles Personal Care Sale 13 – 19 May 2020

2 min.

Coles Personal Care Sale 13 - 19 May 2020Shampoo, conditioner, baby care items, and other personal care products are going to be on sale tomorrow at Coles. You have the Coles Catalogue which presents the half-price savings. Not only the half-price deals are there but also you can shop at lower costs of more products. Huggies baby wipes 240 pack will cost only $9. It’s one of the savings on pg 33. Shop deodorants, feminine care products, hair care, and supplements in this non-food part of the Coles Catalogue. There are many half-price deals in this part of the catalogue. Nivea Men moisturizing shave foam will cost half this week. You can also buy Nature’s Own odourless fish oil 2000mg capsules 200 pack at half price. View all the new products from Coles Personal Care Sale 13 – 19 May.

Dishwashing chemicals or tablets like Finish dishwasher cleaner, laundry care products, and more half prices can also be nice discounts. Use some fabric softener for easy ironing. Comfort fabric softener 750-800mL will cost only $3.50 ea. Coles personal care sale 13 – 19 May prices from the catalogue can be viewed in this preview. Don’t forget to check out the stores tomorrow.
