Coles Special Food Catalogue 13 – 19 Jan 2016

2 min.

AMAZING DINNER BY COLES Coles Special Food Catalogue 13 - 19 Jan 2016

This week it will be your family meeting. Invite your family for the special meal. Invite your relatives for special meeting. And talk about the past and eat the special meals. Coles also will offer the special discounts for the special meetings with the special meal. This week Coles will offer the customers with the special meal. Which is the name Maple Lamb with sourdough crumble? Have you ever eaten the maple lamb with Sourdough Crumble? Forequarter chops will be just $ 9.40 for one kg. And the ingredients will be shortly written on this catalogue. There will be also written how to cook this meal in your kitchen.

Invite your family members, your relatives for the special event and your meal will be prepared by Cole’s quality. With the high quality products your meal will be tastier all you need to do is just follow the steps and pick the ingredients and your meal will be ready soon. This meal will be enough for 4 people and it will take just 15 min to prepare. All the time is cooking time is just 5 min not more. Coles will be waiting for you on the Coles markets.
