Latest Coles supermarkets catalogue offers are also available in this weekend. Actual price range is ending on 18 August 2015. You can still have the chance to save more in the weekly shopping of food at Coles and Woolworths too. Don’t miss out anything from the fresh food range of this retailer. Especially meat, seafood, recipes and snacks are popular at Coles this week.
- M&M’s mars medium $2.12
- Berri orange juice 2.4 L $2.24
- Connoisseur 1 L ice cream $4.84
- Sorbent toilet tissue 4 pack $3.50
These are half priced products on the main page of Coles Catalogue preview. Ultimate range of this catalogue offers many more half prices too. We focus on the fresh food and meat products which you probably like the best:
Coles recipe with ingredients and method PG 11-12
Coles meat products including beef, chicken PG 12
Colesfresh fresh food items like onions, beetroot, potatoes, celeriac, radish bunch pg 13
Coles bakery products with baguette of French style of bread in PG 14.
SEAFOOD featuring prawns, tasmanian salmon packaged, atlantic salmon skin on fillets PG 15
Vaalia natural yogurt and many more dairy products including yogurt and cheese varieties PG 16&17
HAIR CARE products and personal care items like shampoo, conditioner, deo, razor and soap PG 18-19
PEDIGREE PET FOOD and many more household items from Coles are also available in this catalogue.
Also see Woolworths and ALDI for groceries.