Harvey Norman Gaming PC August 2017

3 min.

Harvey Norman Gaming PC August 2017Harvey Norman sells the most popular gaming PC and laptops on this catalogue. MSI and Asus gaming laptops are available on pg 13 of the latest Harvey Norman Catalogue. If you have a good gaming desktop PC I would recommend you to get a Full HD monitor. LG 27″ gaming monitor is only $384 at HN stores. In recent years, MSI got so popular for its simple design and stable structure that are suitable for gaming. Professional gamers usually prefer desktop PCs, however, if you also want to edit videos or any kind of action that would work your CPU or GPU hard gaming laptops are also reliable. Of course laptops are more expensive. If your aim is only to game at home, to stream or capture your gaming videos to upload to Youtube, then I would recommend a desktop PC. They are easier to use. Always mind that gaming laptops are not lightweight electronics. Few of them are produced so with today’s technology. Acer’s gaming laptops are also on sale. Check out pg 12-13;

I myself use MSIGE70 Apache Pro and it operates perfectly for 2 years. I can work on Sony Vegas Pro, Adobe Cloud and many other softwares which would require some power. So these are the current deals of HN but you can find more digging more in the catalogue preview.
