IGA Catalogue Half-Price Sale October 2019

2 min.

IGA half prices are one of the top deals searched on the internet. Browse the details of IGA Catalogue featuring dinner ideas on pg 2. To prepare a quick and tasty meal, you always need to stock up. Meat and some fresh vegetables can be combined easily for a recipe. Try to get your needs on this catalogue if any deal suits with your budget. See low GI bread variety on pg 3. You can also find cheese products there. IGA Catalogue has great prices that are half-price sales. IGA Catalogue half-price sale is nothing new, it’s rather regular thing. Every week you may encounter similar discounts on like-class items like Lipton ice tea. Find frozen food and dairy products, too. Peters Classic vanilla or variety drumstick 24 pack will cost $.75.  Christmas treats also abundant products in these catalogues. In October, November and December, you will find hundreds or maybe thousands of good deals on your favourite-brand candies. Most of them are like the ones on pg 9. Cadbury chocolate-coated fruit is one of Christmas treats, and you can pay $8 to get it. You can subscribe to get free emails about these catalogues.

½ prices only:

Also, see household supplies, camember and double brie, on the last part of the IGA Catalogue 30 Oct 2019.
