IGA Catalogue Specials 8 July – 14 July 2015

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IGA Catalogue Specials 8 July prices are viewable on the preview page.IGA Catalogue Specials 8 July - 14 July 2015 IGA is one of the primary place to shop for the fresh food, meat, fresh grocery, our favourite snacks, weekly essentials that must be stored in your fridge. I don’t see this place as an alternative to any other major supermarket. On the contrary this is among the major supermarkets you can shop for the top quality products of food.
IGA offers of fresh meat and fresh grocery featuring a nice range of high quality material. A special price range of packed bakery products is available on pg 5. Availability of the chocolate bars, Cadbury products, Fanta, Schweppes soft drink variety are making this catalogue very attractive.


Save more getting top quality products at IGA online catalogue.

Hass Avocados, strawberries, and more fresh food products on pg 2.
Fresh meat items priced at best values of IGA catalogue pg 3.
Alternatively packed seafood, lasagne featuring new low prices on pg 4.
Packed meat products like salami, chicken breast sliced and beef packed on pg 5 from Deli.
See new bakery products and packed breads are available on pg 5.
Chocolates of Cadbury which are the most popular chocolates on pg 6.
Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Red Bull and Coca Cola Life packs pg 7-8.
Ritz crackers, Oreo bisuits, Premium snack packs, Premium original on pg 9.
Packed juice variety and nutiritous products for breakfast on pg 10-11.
