Meat Prices February Woolworths Catalogue and Coles Catalogue
Latest prices of Meat prices February Woolworths catalogue and Coles catalogue published in few days ago are appearing as new low prices. For example Coles Australian lamb leg steaks is $19 kg this week. Lamb leg roast from Woolworths is a cheaper kind of meat of lamb. It is available on pg; 22 of latest Woolworths Catalogue. See all of meat prices with this new post. Check out the catalogues to learn about meat prices February 2015.
Lamb at Woolworths:
Australian Lamb Leg Roast, $7.99
Lamb at Coles:
Coles Australian Lamb Leg steaks, $19 kg.
Australian grown products are healthy, delicious and as fresh as it gets. They are wonderful two different parts of lambs. Check out other products of Coles catalogue meat sales and Woolworths meat sales from catalogues:
Coles Beef or cheese filled meatballs, 200g, 2 for $8 pg; 7
Outback spirit sausages range, 450g, 2 for $10
Grill lamb souvlaki strips $9 ea
Australian beef porterhouse steak, $20.99
Chicken tight fillets, $14.99 kg
Beef mince heart smart, $14 kg
On these two catalogues next to the meat department deals you will find fresh foods like pears, peas, kale bunches and more. At Coles you will find new frozen food deals. Salmon fish, tuna fish and similar seafood are featured. More than these Coles offers chicken on pg; 11.
Similarly Woolworths has got fish and fresh food next to meat products on the catalogue. Seafood contains nice prices for salmon fillet, prawns, blue grenadier fillet and more. Check them out pg; 25 on Woolworths Catalogue.
If you want to browse food products please go to page of supermarket grocery products to see all full catalogues.